Several poker variants exist, and each has its own rules. But the basic rules remain the same. The goal of the game is to create the best poker hand. The player with the highest hand wins the pot.
A hand containing two cards of the same rank is a pair. The higher the pair, the better. Two pairs of identical rank beat two pairs of lower rank.
In a showdown, each player will show his hand. If any player raises, the betting will stop, and all players will call or fold.
One card that is considered an overcard is the card that is higher than any other card on the board. For example, a 10-9 beats any other card.
A hand containing five cards of the same suit is called a flush. A hand containing four cards of the same rank is a straight. A hand containing four cards of different rank is a four of a kind.
The best poker hand is a five of a kind. A five of a kind beats a straight flush. A straight flush is a hand containing five cards in sequential order. A hand containing a pair of twos beats a hand containing a pair of threes.
In a showdown, the highest card is the one that decides who wins the pot. The second highest card is the one that determines who wins the flush.
The ante is the buy-in bet for the round. It is usually a small amount, such as $1 or $5.