Online Gambling is gambling that takes place on the internet and involves betting through a computer or mobile phone. This form of gambling can include a variety of games such as poker, casino and sports betting.
The legal status of online gambling differs from country to country and some states have banned it. However, the majority of countries allow people to gamble on the Internet.
Currently, there is no consensus on the definition of “online gambling”. It can range from simple card games and casinos to complex betting options such as roulette and bingo.
It is also unclear how long people are likely to stay involved in Internet modes and how these patterns may be associated with harms.
Understanding the impact of Internet gambling on gambling problems is important for both policy makers and clinicians. Research should be focused on identifying the factors that may protect and reduce harms among Internet gamblers.
Treatment of Online Gambling Addiction
The primary form of treatment for online gambling addiction is psychotherapy in individual or group sessions. This provides a safe environment for patients to identify and address deeper emotional and mental health issues that are driving their addictive behaviour.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective and well-established therapy for online gambling addiction. Other treatments include mood stabilizers, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and opioid receptor antagonists.
Treatment programs must be developed to support individuals who are at risk of transitioning to disordered gambling and to reduce relapse. These programs should include brief interventions as well as in-depth online programmes.