Online Gambling is betting on games of chance or skill for money using a computer, tablet or mobile phone with internet access. Typically, winnings are added to an online gambling account, while losses are deducted from it. Some gambling sites allow players to close their accounts, and others may have terms and conditions for withdrawing their bankroll (with wins and losses accounted for).

Online gambling is a common addiction among young people, who can be exposed to gambling-adjacent behaviours through features of online video games such as loot boxes and skin betting. This can lead to serious financial problems, increased pressure on parents and other adults, decline in work or academic performance, health issues and even legal troubles.

Excessive online gambling often leads to disrupted relationships, and individuals may hide their gambling activities from family and friends. The risk of gambling addiction can also increase if the site is unregulated and has a reputation for offering unfair odds or rigged games.

Behavioral therapy is an effective treatment option for online gambling. Specifically, cognitive behavioral therapy helps individuals change the harmful patterns of thought and behavior that fuel their addiction. This can help them break the vicious cycle of gambling, losing and then chasing their losses. Moreover, it can reduce the urge to gamble by addressing underlying factors such as anxiety or depression that may be contributing to the gambling behavior. Moreover, therapists can teach individuals healthy coping strategies to manage their urges effectively.