Poker is a card game where players bet money into a pot to form a hand. A player can choose to play or fold his hand after the flop, turn and river. Players place an initial amount of money into the pot before cards are dealt by putting in ante and blind bets. Depending on the game, some players may be required to place additional money into the pot as they play.

Poker can be played with 2 to 10 players at one table. The number of players at a table affects the betting dynamics and strategy used by the group. Typically, more experienced players tend to make higher bets and play more aggressively, while novices often play conservatively and are easy targets for bluffing.

During a hand, the first player to act places his bet by saying “call.” If the person to your left has called, you must call and place your chips into the pot. The person to your right then has the option to raise his bet. When your turn comes, you can either check (no raise) or raise the last person’s bet.

During the flop, a third card is dealt face up. There is another round of betting, with the player to the left of the dealer making the first bet. You should always raise your bets when you have a strong hand. This will force weak hands out of the pot and increase the value of your hand. If your hand is beaten, you should fold.